


Sgi Collective Bargaining Agreement


SGI Collective Bargaining Agreement: Understanding the Terms and Benefits

A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is a legally binding agreement between an employer and a union that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for unionized workers. Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is a Crown corporation that provides auto insurance, home insurance, and business insurance services to the people of Saskatchewan. SGI has a CBA with the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees` Union (SGEU) that outlines the terms and benefits of employment for SGI employees who are members of the union.

What is a Collective Bargaining Agreement?

A CBA is an agreement between an employer and a union that governs the terms and conditions of employment for unionized workers. It is typically negotiated between the employer and the union, and it covers a wide range of issues, including wages, benefits, job security, working conditions, and grievance procedures. A CBA is legally binding, which means that both the employer and the union must abide by its terms. The ultimate goal of a CBA is to ensure that workers are treated fairly and that they receive the compensation and benefits they deserve.

SGI`s Collective Bargaining Agreement

SGI has a CBA with SGEU, which represents approximately 1,900 SGI employees. The CBA covers a variety of topics, including wages, benefits, vacation time, and sick leave. Here are some of the key terms and benefits of the SGI CBA:

1. Wages: SGI employees receive competitive wages that are based on their job classification and level of experience. The CBA outlines the minimum and maximum hourly rates for each job classification, and it provides for annual wage increases based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

2. Benefits: SGI employees receive a comprehensive benefits package that includes health and dental insurance, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, and a pension plan. The CBA also provides for paid sick leave and vacation time.

3. Job Security: The CBA provides for job security through a no-layoff clause. This means that SGI cannot lay off any unionized employee without just cause.

4. Grievance Procedures: The CBA includes a grievance procedure that allows employees to file complaints and disputes with SGI management. If the dispute cannot be resolved, it can be referred to an independent arbitrator for resolution.


The SGI CBA is an important document that outlines the terms and benefits of employment for SGI employees who are members of SGEU. It provides for competitive wages, comprehensive benefits, job security, and a grievance procedure. As a professional, it is important to understand the terms and benefits of the SGI CBA to effectively communicate this information to readers who may be interested in working for SGI.

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