


Verbal Agreement Legally Binding Contract



It`s a common misconception that only written contracts are legally binding. However, verbal agreements can also be considered as legally enforceable contracts. This means that if you verbally agree on something with someone else, you are still held liable to fulfill your end of the bargain. In this article, we will discuss the basics of verbal agreements, their enforceability, and the circumstances under which they can be challenged.

What is a Verbal Agreement?

A verbal agreement, also known as an oral agreement, is an agreement that is made by two parties through spoken words rather than through written documentation. It is a mutually agreed-upon arrangement between two or more individuals that is based on mutual trust and understanding. The terms of such an agreement can be as varied as the parties’ interests.

Are Verbal Agreements Legally Binding?

Yes, they are. Verbal agreements are legally binding if they satisfy the essential elements of a contract. This includes an offer, acceptance, and consideration. Offer refers to the proposal of a particular deal, acceptance is the recipient’s willingness to agree to the offer, and consideration refers to the exchange of value between the parties.

For instance, if you agree to pay someone $500 to paint your house, and the other party agrees to paint your house for $500, it can be considered a legally binding contract. The agreement has an offer, acceptance, and consideration, which satisfies the essential elements of an agreement.

Enforceability of Verbal Agreements

While verbal agreements are legally binding, they can be challenging to enforce since there may be no written documentation to prove the terms of the agreement. This is especially true when one party fails to fulfill their end of the bargain. Therefore, it`s essential to take steps to reduce the chances of misunderstandings arising from verbal agreements.

One possible solution is taking notes during conversations and documenting the terms of the agreement. Additionally, both parties should ensure they have a mutual understanding of the terms of the agreement before it is considered legally binding. It`s also crucial to record all the specifics of the oral agreement, including date and time, parties involved, and the terms agreed upon.

Challenging Verbal Agreements

If a dispute arises, the most common way to prove a verbal agreement is by presenting credible evidence to support your claim. This can be done through the testimony of witnesses or by providing other documentation to show the agreement was reached. It`s always best to seek legal advice when it comes to disputing a verbal agreement.


In conclusion, verbal agreements are legally binding contracts if they satisfy the essential elements of a contract. While it may be challenging to enforce them since they have no written documentation, taking notes and documenting the terms of the agreement can help reduce the chances of misunderstandings arising. Always seek legal advice if a dispute arises, and ensure that you have all the evidence to support your claim. Verbal agreements can be as valid as written ones, so always treat them with the seriousness that they deserve.

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